Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Ray Gun's Theories and Diagnosis for Relationships that Seem Disfunctional but Work.


1. Girls play games but women don't.

2. Sincerity is Maturity

3. If you are texting your way to her heart, she is way too young.

4. Be cocky in a joking way(All women want confidence).
-Why is this? They should want a meek and gentle man. They say they do but it is bull.

5. Ricky Butler is a Genius

6. Red personalities cannot handle Yellow personalities (stolen from the book, The People Code).

7. If she makes all of the moves on the first date, she will make all of the moves in her marriage.

The Diagnosis:

-Quick rules of getting a girl to like you (I know I am single and 25, but I have seen each one work several times)

a. If she is nice be nice.
b. If she is a jerk, be a jerk.
c. If she is does not talk, don't pursue her and make it even more awkward (Disclaimer, I actually don't know what to do in this situation).
d. Tease the ones that tease, and make an example out of them in front of a group of people (they might feel stupid but they like it).

And this is my Ray of Sunshine.


Kate Nash said...

haha i love this. guilty as charged.

b said...

I'm glad you included number 5. Thank you.

bent said...

I love the comments, but do you have the experience to propose the #7 comment or are you extrapolating beyond your expertise?

Ricky Ray said...

Sorry Ben but I know more than you. Don't act like you are so smart because you are married. Everyone knows that I am the smartest ;)

The O'Briens said...

I love you, Ricky. I think this is pretty on the mark. Except for the "make an example out of them" part. But even that might be true in some cases.

Ricky Ray said...

Yes it is a case by case basis. Only intelligent men know when to use this wild card.

Aaron + Kayti said...

you have a blog. im sorry to say that i think your points just went down on the "cool" scale.

Lauren! said...

your hatred for texting surfaces once again.

Linda said...

"Confidence" and "cockiness" are actually two different things. And your confusion of the two leaves me with concerns that #5 may not be 100% accurate--however, everything else you've ever said has been beyond brilliant, so I'll try to just overlook this little slip.

Makayla Steiner said...

1. True
2. True
3. Very true
4. Fine, but not in public. Nobody wants a cocky guy in public. At least, not the kind of "women" who don't play games. :)
5. Of course
6. TRUE. Very, very true.
7. LOL. Probably.

A. Yes.
B. If she is a jerk, let her go.
C. If she does not talk, maybe she really likes you and is just shy about it. Or maybe she hates you. This one is no fun because it's hard to tell. Sorry...
D. I guess if you dish it you should be able to take it.

Overall... pretty good Ricky.

Deanna said...

what if you need to win him with words because you have no other way...
ie. he's in another state, then later you're in another country. and calling costs 99 cents/min (even though texting isn't that cheap) but he's working so he can't call. But then maybe you shouldn't be talking to him anyway because he has some girlfriend. But you're better of course...and secretly you wish that Brazilian bitch has a mustache, gains 500 lbs for no reason, and gets deported. And everything he says is sweet so you just can't help it. Then you think well, I wasn't in love with him anyway because we only saw eachother for like 3 months. But then you think if it wasn't love, it was a lot like love.
...just speaking hypothetically.

Ricky Ray said...

Thanks Makayla. I appreciate your comments.

Deanna, was that guy me? Because the Brazilian is now gone:)